On 12/10/2022 15:46, Dimitris Tzampanakis wrote:
When blackbox exporter makes tcp connect to mysql  on port 3306 i notice handshake errors and after 100 errors the host is blocked from mysql. It was very frustrating and difficult to spot, since other success connect from same host reset the error_count from mysql and nothing was logged. This same setup is running on other environments (without problem). But in this env that big traffic didn't started yet, locks happen.
I also found this similar
Is there anything that i missing  in the config?
Is there any other that user tpc_connect for mysql checks with similar problems?

As you are just doing a TCP connection request it will look to be some sort of failure from the MySQL server's perspective - you are just opening a connection and then not doing anything. You would need to look at the server configuration to whitelist the IP of the Blackbox Exporter so it doesn't get blocked.

Alternatively look at using the MySQL Exporter instead of using Blackbox Exporter, which will give you more insight above just availability too?

Stuart Clark

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