> When I do:
> curl stateMetricsIP:8080/metrics
> it displays all the state-metrics. But these metrics are not present 
within the /metrics endpoint of Prometheus.

That's correct and expected.  The /metrics endpoint of prometheus does 
*not* show all scraped metrics; it just returns metrics about prometheus 
itself, such as the status of the timeseries database.  The idea is so that 
you can get prometheus to scrape itself to get a history of the TSDB status.

If you want to check whether the kube-state-metrics have been ingested, you 
need to send a PromQL query to prometheus, either using the built-in PromQL 
query browser (the "Graph" tab in the web interface), or using the HTTP 
query API <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/>.

If you don't know what the metric names are, then you can do
although I would never recommend that on a production system because it 
could return many thousands of results.

On Monday, 17 October 2022 at 08:00:09 UTC+1 rani...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hey guys my issue here is as stated, the kube-state-metrics are not being 
> scraped by Prometheus, therefore my Grafana dashboards tell me that I have 
> no data when displaying my pod metrics.
> When I do:
> curl stateMetricsIP:8080/metrics
> it displays all the state-metrics. But these metrics are not present 
> within the /metrics endpoint of Prometheus.
> I suspect that the problem is within the prometheus.yaml 
> kube-state-metrics job but I'm not sure.
> My configuration on Prometheus side for the job is
> - job_name: 'kube-state-metrics'
>   honor_timestamps: true
>   scrape_interval: 5s
>   scrape_timeout: 5s
>   metrics_path: /metrics
>   scheme: http
>   static_configs:
>   - targets:
>     - kube-state-metrics.ops.svc.cluster.local:8080
> Am I missing something here? Both my services are working fine, prometheus 
> gives me the 'OK' for kube-state-metrics target as well. 

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