On 17/10/2022 07:26, Rishabh Arora wrote:

I'm currently in the process of implementing Prometheus along with Alertmanager as our de facto solution for node health monitoring. We have a kubernetes, kafka, mqtt setup and for monitoring our infrastructure, prometheus is an obvious good fit.

We have an application / business case, where I'm wondering whether Prometheus may be a reasonable solution. Our application needs to meet certain SLAs. In case those SLAs are not being, some alerts need to be firing. For example, consider the following case which bears close resemblance to our real business case:

An /Order/ schema in our system has a /payment/ field which can be one of ['COMPLETED','FAILED','PENDING']. In our HA real time system, we need to fire alerts for Orders which are in a PENDING state. Rows in our /Orders/ collection will be in the order of potentially millions. An order also has a /paymentEngine/ field, which represents the entity responsible for processing the payment for the order.

Now, with Prometheus, finding the total count of PENDING Orders would be a simple metric, but what we're interested in is also the Order IDs. For instance, is there a way I could capture the PENDING order IDs in the "metadata"(???) or "payload" of the metric? Downstream in the alertmanager, I'd also like to group by /paymentEngine/__so I could potentially inhibit alerts for an unstable engine.

Can anyone please help me out? Apologies in advance for my naivety :)

What you are asking for isn't really the job of Prometheus.

Having a metric detailing the number of pending orders & alerting on that is completely within the normal area for Prometheus & Alertmanager - observing the system and alerting if there are issues that need investigation. However the next step of dealing with the individual events/orders is the job for a different system. If paymentEngine could be a small number of options (e.g. PayPal, Swipe, Cash) then it would be reasonable to have that as a label to the pending orders metric (which then would allow you to alert if one method stops working), but order ID isn't something you should ever put in the metrics. Instead once you were alerted about a potential issue you might query your order database directly or look at log files to dig into the detail and figure out what is happening.

Stuart Clark

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