Spotted typo:

    expr: |
        node_filesystem_avail_bytes / (node_filesystem_avail_bytes -
604800) < 0)) * 604800

And of course, I was wrong to say that disk_usage_percentage trends down to 
zero - it will presumably trend up to 100 as the disk fills.

On Thursday, 18 August 2022 at 10:11:57 UTC+1 Brian Candler wrote:

> I had the a very similar requirement.  It was a tricky query to build from 
> scratch, but simple when you've worked it out, so I'm happy to share :-)
> - name: DiskRate12h
>   interval: 1h
>   rules:
>   # Warn if rate of growth over last 12 hours means filesystem will fill 
> in 7 days
>   - alert: DiskFilling7d
>     expr: |
>         node_filesystem_avail_bytes / (node_filesystem_avail_bytes -
> (predict_linear(node_filesystem_avail_bytes,fstype!~"fuse.*|nfs.*"}[12h], 
> 604800) < 0)) * 604800
>     for: 24h
>     labels:
>       severity: warning
>     annotations:
>       summary: 'Filesystem will be full in {{ $value | humanizeDuration }} 
> at current 12h growth rate'
> I'm using "node_filesystem_avail_bytes" rather than 
> "disk_usage_percentage", but as they both trend down to zero, you should be 
> able to replace it.  Replace the time periods as appropriate.
> The logic goes something like this: say V is the variable you're 
> interested in (node_filesystem_avail_bytes in this case)
> * we take the current value of V; call it V1
> * predict_linear(V[12h], 604800) is the expected value in 7 days time 
> based on the trend over the last 12 hours; call it V2
> * filter that with < 0, so we get no value unless it's predicted to be 
> below 0 in 7 days
>      ^  V1
>      |    \
>      |     \
>      +--0---x--7----> time
>              \
>               V2
> To find where the cut is on the time axis, you note that V1 is to (V1 + 
> (-V2)) as x is to 7 days.  That is, V1/(V1-V2) is the ratio of the lines 
> V1...x and V1...V2.  And therefore that's also the fraction of 604800 
> seconds to the zero crossing point x.
> Your problem is slightly different: you want to know when the free space 
> percentage will fall below 20, not when it falls below zero.  I'll leave 
> that as an exercise :-)  I think just substituting 
> (disk_space_percentage-20) everywhere in place of the variable is a good 
> starting point, but you have to be careful what happens if the current 
> value is already below 20.
> HTH,
> Brian.
> On Thursday, 18 August 2022 at 06:31:08 UTC+1 wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have the percentage of disk usage on a metric. I can use 
>> predict_linear(disk_usage_percentage[30d], 30*24*60*60) to give me a 
>> prediction in 1 month from the past month of metrics. fine
>> but how could I retrieve the date on which the predict_linear function 
>> will reach 80% for instance ? if that's possible :-)
>> Thank you 
>> regards
>> ++ Jerome

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