On 23/11/2022 15:28, Nenad Rakonjac wrote:

Does everyone have clue how much time need for prometheus metrics to go from application to alertmenager? Can this time be bigger than one minute? --

Metrics don't go to Alertmanager. Instead you create alerting rules which query metrics to produce alerts.

How long something changing to an alert being fired depend on lots of different factors:

How often you scrape the application (so Prometheus has the latest metrics)
The query you are using in your alerting rule (for example you might be alerting based on an average rate over the last few minutes, so a sudden spike wouldn't immediately trigger an alert) If you have a "for" clause in the alert rule (which is generally recommended so as not to send an alert for something that goes away very quickly, such as a transient spike)

In general the "speed" of alerting isn't particularly critical. Instead what is important is producing useful actionable alerts. Sending an alert as soon as a resource goes above 90% isn't particularly useful if a second later it drops to 10% - nothing bad happened and there is nothing to be addressed. In general it would actually be more useful to alert if that threshold is breached for over say 5 minutes, or even more usefully when an SLO is failed or is projected to fail within the next 30 minutes.

Stuart Clark

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