That's a lot of alertmanagers.  Are they all fully meshed?  (But I'd say 2 
or 3 would be better - spread over different regions)

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 14:16:27 UTC LukaszSz wrote:

> Yes. The prometheus server is configured to communicate with  all 
> alertmanagers ( sorry there are 8 alertmanagers ):
> alerting:
>   alert_relabel_configs:
>   - action: labeldrop
>     regex: "^prometheus_server$"
>   alertmanagers:
>   - static_configs:
>     - targets:
>       - alertmanager1:9093
>       - alertmanager2:9093
>       - alertmanager3:9093
>       - alertmanager4:9093
>       - alertmanager5:9093
>       - alertmanager6:9093
>       - alertmanager7:9093
>       - alertmanager8:9093 
> On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 2:02:14 PM UTC+1 Brian Candler wrote:
>> Yes, but have you configured the prometheus (the one which has alerting 
>> rules) to have all four alertmanagers as its destination?
>> On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:55:49 UTC LukaszSz wrote:
>>> Yes Brian. As I mentioned in my post the Alertmangers are in cluster and 
>>> this event is visible on my 4 alertmanagers.
>>> Problem which I described is that an alerts are firing twice and it 
>>> generates duplication. 
>>> On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 1:34:52 PM UTC+1 Brian Candler wrote:
>>>> Are the alertmanagers clustered?  Then you should configure prometheus 
>>>> to deliver the alert to *all* alertmanagers.
>>>> On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 11:08:37 UTC LukaszSz wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I have Prometheus in HA mode - 4 nodes - Prometheus+Aletmanager on 
>>>>> each. 
>>>>> Everything works fine but very often I experience issue that an alert 
>>>>> is firing again even the event is already resolved by alertmanager.
>>>>> Below logs from example event(Chrony_Service_Down) recorded by 
>>>>> alertmanager:
>>>>> ############################################################################################################
>>>>> (1) Jan 10 10:48:48 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:48:48.746Z caller=dispatch.go:165 level=debug 
>>>>> component=dispatcher msg="Received alert" 
>>>>> alert=Chrony_Service_Down[d8c020a][active]
>>>>> (2) Jan 10 10:49:19 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:49:19.460Z caller=nflog.go:553 level=debug 
>>>>> component=nflog 
>>>>> msg="gossiping new entry" 
>>>>> entry="entry:<group_key:\"{}/{severity=\\\"page\\\"}:{alertname=\\\"Chrony_Service_Down\\\",
>>>>> datacenter=\\\"dc01\\\", exporter=\\\"node\\\", fqdn=\\\"
>>>>>\\\", instance=\\\"\\\", 
>>>>> job=\\\"node\\\", monitoring_infra=\\\"prometheus-mon\\\", 
>>>>> puppet_certname=\\\"\\\", service=\\\"chrony\\\", 
>>>>> severity=\\\"page\\\"}\" receiver:<group_name:\"opsgenie\" 
>>>>> integration:\"opsgenie\" > timestamp:<seconds:1673347759 nanos:262824014 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> firing_alerts:10151928354614242630 > expires_at:<seconds:1673779759 
>>>>> nanos:262824014 > "
>>>>> (3) Jan 10 10:50:48 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:50:48.745Z caller=dispatch.go:165 level=debug 
>>>>> component=dispatcher msg="Received alert" 
>>>>> alert=Chrony_Service_Down[d8c020a][resolved]
>>>>> (4) Jan 10 10:51:29 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:51:29.183Z caller=nflog.go:553 level=debug 
>>>>> component=nflog 
>>>>> msg="gossiping new entry" 
>>>>> entry="entry:<group_key:\"{}/{severity=\\\"page\\\"}:{alertname=\\\"Chrony_Service_Down\\\",
>>>>> datacenter=\\\"dc01\\\", exporter=\\\"node\\\", fqdn=\\\"
>>>>>\\\", instance=\\\"\\\", 
>>>>> job=\\\"node\\\", monitoring_infra=\\\"prometheus-mon\\\", 
>>>>> puppet_certname=\\\"\\\", service=\\\"chrony\\\", 
>>>>> severity=\\\"page\\\"}\" receiver:<group_name:\"opsgenie\" 
>>>>> integration:\"opsgenie\" > timestamp:<seconds:1673347888 nanos:897562679 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> resolved_alerts:10151928354614242630 > expires_at:<seconds:1673779888 
>>>>> nanos:897562679 > "
>>>>> (5) Jan 10 10:51:49 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:51:49.745Z caller=nflog.go:553 level=debug 
>>>>> component=nflog 
>>>>> msg="gossiping new entry" 
>>>>> entry="entry:<group_key:\"{}/{severity=\\\"page\\\"}:{alertname=\\\"Chrony_Service_Down\\\",
>>>>> datacenter=\\\"dc01\\\", exporter=\\\"node\\\", fqdn=\\\"
>>>>>\\\", instance=\\\"\\\", 
>>>>> job=\\\"node\\\", monitoring_infra=\\\"prometheus-mon\\\", 
>>>>> puppet_certname=\\\"\\\", service=\\\"chrony\\\", 
>>>>> severity=\\\"page\\\"}\" receiver:<group_name:\"opsgenie\" 
>>>>> integration:\"opsgenie\" > timestamp:<seconds:1673347909 nanos:649205670 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> firing_alerts:10151928354614242630 > expires_at:<seconds:1673779909 
>>>>> nanos:649205670 > "
>>>>> (6) Jan 10 10:51:59 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:51:59.312Z caller=nflog.go:553 level=debug 
>>>>> component=nflog 
>>>>> msg="gossiping new entry" 
>>>>> entry="entry:<group_key:\"{}/{severity=\\\"page\\\"}:{alertname=\\\"Chrony_Service_Down\\\",
>>>>> datacenter=\\\"dc01\\\", exporter=\\\"node\\\", fqdn=\\\"
>>>>>\\\", instance=\\\"\\\", 
>>>>> job=\\\"node\\\", monitoring_infra=\\\"prometheus-mon\\\", 
>>>>> puppet_certname=\\\"\\\", service=\\\"chrony\\\", 
>>>>> severity=\\\"page\\\"}\" receiver:<group_name:\"opsgenie\" 
>>>>> integration:\"opsgenie\" > timestamp:<seconds:1673347919 nanos:137020780 
>>>>> > 
>>>>> resolved_alerts:10151928354614242630 > expires_at:<seconds:1673779919 
>>>>> nanos:137020780 > "
>>>>> (7) Jan 10 10:54:58 prometheus-01 alertmanager[1213219]: 
>>>>> ts=2023-01-10T10:54:58.744Z caller=dispatch.go:165 level=debug 
>>>>> component=dispatcher msg="Received alert" 
>>>>> alert=Chrony_Service_Down[d8c020a][resolved]
>>>>> #############################################################################################################
>>>>> Interesting is line number 5 (Jan 10 10:51:49) where alertmanager 
>>>>> fired alert second time even minute ago (Jan 10 10:50:48) the alert was 
>>>>> marked as resolved.
>>>>> Such behavior generates duplicate alert in our system which is quite 
>>>>> annoying in our scale.
>>>>> What is worth to mention:
>>>>> - For test purpose the event is scrapped by 4 Promethues 
>>>>> servers(default) but alert rule is evaluated by one Promethues.
>>>>> - The event occurres only once so there is no flapping which might 
>>>>> cause another alert firing.
>>>>> Thanks

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