Hi there, hope you're doing well.
I'm fairly new to prom and having a bit of trouble with all the configs.
I installed the Blackbox exporter for testing on a Windows Client. What I 
just want to do is a simple ping to the blackbox node and see in my 
dashboard if the client is up or down.

my prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: 'blackbox-icmp'
    metrics_path: /probe
      module: [icmp]
      - targets:
        - 1stclient_ip:9115
        - 2ndclient_ip:9115

      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance

When doing this i at least get more or less the correct url, like:
http://1stclient_ip:9115/probe?module=icmp&target= 1stclient_ip %3A9115

but the problem with that is the modulo at the end, which is causing the 
hole probe to give only 0's... so there has to be something wrong with my 
relabel_config. Completly without i get the error "400 server not 
reachable" and when clicking the node the html sais "target parameter is 

Can someone tell me what my fault is?

Kind regards - Kolja

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