Thanks for your response.

If I do `ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState * 
group_right ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState` I get:

`{instance="ltm01", job="f5_ltm_test", ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState="1", 
ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName="/Common/Pool1", ltmPoolMbrStatusPort="4500", 
prometheus="monitoring/k8s", prometheus_replica="prometheus-k8s-0"}`

So this has `ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState` but not 
`ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState`. If I swap the metrics round:

`ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState * 
group_right ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState`. I get:

`{instance="ltm01", job="f5_ltm_test", ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState="1", 
ltmPoolMbrStatusPoolName="/Common/Pool1", ltmPoolMbrStatusPort="4500", 
prometheus="monitoring/k8s", prometheus_replica="prometheus-k8s-0"}`

This has `ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState` but not `ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState`

So it seems I can get one or the other, not both. Unless im forming my 
PromQL wrong?

On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 08:31:39 UTC Brian Candler wrote:

> It has to be done in a query - the relabelling phase of a scrape job 
> cannot see other metrics.
> What you are looking for is one-to-many queries, which can pick up labels 
> from the "one" side and apply them to the "many":
> > I have tried doing a join but it only seems to bring in one of the 
> `ltmPoolMbrStatusEnabledState` and `ltmPoolMbrStatusAvailState` metrics 
> depending on if its a left or right join, but I would like both to appear.
> Can you show what query you did, the raw metrics which it used, what 
> result you got, and what you wanted to get instead?

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