Hi y'all I'm trying to get a label for each target in my file_sd_config

my prom.yml is:

# my global config
  scrape_interval: 1m # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. 
Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 30s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default 
is every 1 minute.
  scrape_timeout: 30s

  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries 
scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'node'
      - files:
        - C:/Prometheus/prometheus-2.41.0.windows-amd64/target_cluster_b.yml

my target_cluster_b.yml:
- targets:
    - 172.25.X0.XXX:9182
        instance: "SVR-DS01"
    - 172.21.X1.XXX:9182   
    - 172.25.X2.XXX:9182
    - 172.25.X3.XXX:9182

as seen in the target.yml I want to try to get a label to each target - to 
see in the prom dashboard which ip is which targetname

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards Kolja

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