On 08/08/2023 20:31, Matt Doughty wrote:
So you are trying to get discreet metrics for every run of the batch
job?  That sounds like an unbounded cardinality problem as you would
end up with a timeseries for every run of the batch job.
Am I misunderstanding or is this accurate?

You're right I don't need the exact time when the metric is fetched. I only 
need it to differentiate between iterations within the batch job. Then is 
creating a separate metric the best way to go?

If that is the case then Prometheus isn't the right tool. Having distinctly detectable groups of data for a particular job run indicates you are talking about events which are quite different to metrics. For events you'd want to be looking at tools such as Elasticsearch, Loki or a standard SQL database.

Events and metrics can (and often are) used in parallel. For example Prometheus would tell you that the average job runtime is 5 minutes over the past 3 hours, but you'd then use the events system to find the exact durations for each run (or the number of events processed, or the error message returned, etc.).

Stuart Clark

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