Have you tried it? With curl?

If all servers have the same user/password, then I think just
curl nodeA:9104/probe?target=nodeB:3306
should work, using the credentials from the [client] section of my.cnf.

If they have different usernames/passwords, then as the documentation says, 
you can add additional sections to my.cnf:


and call /probe?target=nodeB:3306&auth_module=client.secret

If you don't provide auth_module then the "[client]" section will be used, 
as the documentation I linked to before says: Will match value to child in 
config file. Default value is `client`

Of course, you will have to arrange that nodes B and C accept mysql 
connections from node A. You can test this using the 'mysql' command line 
tool on node A, to see if you can establish connections to B/C.

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 13:42:41 UTC+1 Y.G Kumar wrote:

> Brian,
> This is what I am trying to achieve. I have a three node galera mysql 
> cluster on three nodes A, B and C with respective IPs.
> As of now, I have installed mysql exporter in all the above three nodes 
> and trying to access it using haproxy external IP using the above three 
> nodes as backends.  It is working fine. 
> Now , I  want to keep the mysql exporter only on node A and remove it on 
> nodes B and C and start the  multi target approach from node A only. So in 
> the /etc/.mysqld_exporter.cnf   file , how do I mention each section of the 
> other two nodes ?  This is my present file content in each of the nodes 
> above:
> ----
> [client]
> user=mysqld_exporter
> password=StrongPassword
> ---
> Please suggest..
> Appreciate your time.
> Good day
> On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 12:46:50 PM UTC+5:30 Brian Candler wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 29 August 2023 at 07:34:58 UTC+1 Y.G Kumar wrote:
>> Please help ...
>> Please start by reading the documentation at the link I posted earlier in 
>> this thread:
>> https://github.com/prometheus/mysqld_exporter/#multi-target-support
>> Then if you are unable to make this work, you can post a specific 
>> question <http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#beprecise>: 
>> show exactly what you configured, what you expected to happen, and what 
>> actually happened (with any logs or error messages).

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