Do you mean every new instance of any timeseries, or a completely new 
metric name?

In principle you could alert on something like these:

# Timeseries which have appeared
expr: '{__name__=~".+"} unless {__name__=~".+"} offset 24h'

# Metrics which have appeared
expr: group by (__name__) ({__name__=~".+"}) unless group by (__name__) 
({__name__=~".+"} offset 24h)

But those are expensive queries which touch every timeseries in the 
database, and are resource-heavy even on my small home test instance 
(v2.45.0, 31K series).  You *might* get away with running them 
occasionally, e.g. once per day, if you have enough RAM. 

Similarly, you could query the series 
and diff the result against the previous result:
However, I tried it and that seems way more expensive. It nearly killed the 
same instance (maybe it's generating the entire JSON response in RAM before 
returning it)

If all you're concerned about is a sudden increase in load or cardinality 
of incoming metrics then you might be better off monitoring prometheus' tsdb 
also available under Status > TSDB Stats in the web interface, and/or the 
metrics at its /metrics endpoint: e.g.

# HELP prometheus_tsdb_head_series Total number of series in the head block.
# TYPE prometheus_tsdb_head_series gauge
prometheus_tsdb_head_series 31131

On Friday, 22 September 2023 at 15:07:39 UTC+1 Helena Lundell wrote:

> I have developers that create new application metrics. Unfortunately the 
> information flow does not always work in my direction. Is there a way to 
> find out if a new metric has been created? Or removed for that matter(our 
> buckets are no longer there).

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