I've been using "promtool test rules" to see how rate() behaves with a 
timeseries that has recently started, and I am struggling to understand it.

What would you think the following test should return?

evaluation_interval: 1m

  - input_series:
      - series: foo
        values: '_ _ _ 17 137'
    interval: 1m

      - expr: rate(foo[5m])
        eval_time: 4m30s
          - value: 2   # I expected: increase of 120 in 60 seconds
            labels: ""

Result (with prometheus 2.45.0):

    expr: "rate(foo[5m])", time: 5m30s,
        exp: {} 2E+00
        got: {} 6.566666666666666E-01

That result is 197/300, and I have no idea how it derives this value!

Now change the input data to:

        values: '_ _ _ 1017 1137'

and the result is 0.8 (=240/300, 192/240 or 48/60) - even though the input 
values are still 120 apart.

Any clues as to how it gets these results?

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