Try piping the metrics to "promtool check metrics", e.g.

    curl localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus | /path/to/promtool check 

You may get a better description of the error.  If that doesn't help, then 
load the metrics to a file and do a binary chop.
i.e. run the first half through promtool check metrics, then the second 
half, and see which half has an error; repeat with ever smaller pieces.

Note also that metric names are not allowed to contain dots. See:

/opt/prometheus/promtool check metrics <<EOS
# HELP custom_jvm.threads.states The current number of threads
# TYPE custom_jvm.threads.states gauge
custom_jvm.threads.states{region="us-east-1",state="timed-waiting",} 2.0

*error while linting: text format parsing error in line 1: invalid metric 
name in comment*

On Thursday 28 December 2023 at 21:08:57 UTC kang shen wrote:

> Handsome guys, help me,Where is the problem?Version mismatch?
> [image: prometheus.png]
> [image: endpoint.png]
> prometheus_version: 2.48.1
> springboot_verson:2.7.18
> prometheus_config:
> scrape_configs:
> config.
>   - job_name: "app"
>     # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
>     # scheme defaults to 'http'.
>     metrics_path: "/actuator/prometheus"
>     static_configs:
>       - targets: ['localhost:8080']

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