I presume you're looking in the web UI at /prometheus/flags (Status > 
Command-Line Flags). You say this shows "false", but do you actually mean 
it's empty? That's different.

Can you get a shell inside the container, run "ps auxwww" and see what 
flags have been passed to prometheus?

I note that the documentation 
<https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/feature_flags/> says 
but the error message you get says you need

 The source code explains what's going on:
./cmd/prometheus/main.go: level.Warn(logger).Log("msg", "Remote write 
receiver enabled via feature flag remote-write-receiver. This is 
DEPRECATED. Use --web.enable-remote-write-receiver.")

So it *should* still work to supply --enable-feature=remote-write-receiver, 
and you need to confirm whether that flag is actually being passed to 
prometheus. I guess most likely it's not, in which case either it's a bug 
in the helm chart, or the way you're invoking it.

On Friday 5 January 2024 at 16:29:51 UTC Siradj Eddine Fisli wrote:

> I used kube-prometheus-stack chart version 55.5.1 , but i got a problem 
> when i tried to enable the remote-write-reciever option in the centralized 
> prometheus instance. 
> I passed these values to the values.yaml:
> prometheus: 
>    prometheusSpec: 
>        enableRemoteWriteReceiver: true 
>        enableFeatures: 
>            - remote-write-receiver 
> but when i check the flags in prometheus ui i find it false, also when i 
> try to curl using post to the endpoint i get this error " remote write 
> receiver needs to be enabled with --web.enable-remote-write-receiver"
> any suggestions ?

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