For the first part, you should look at how ifTable and ifXTable are handled 
in the default generator.yml:

    walk: [sysUpTime, interfaces, ifXTable]

Note that you don't walk the individual columns, you walk the whole table.

For the second part:

(sysUpTime - on (instance) group_right () ifLastChange) / 100


Also useful for understanding:

On Tuesday 9 January 2024 at 10:04:36 UTC Alexander Wilke wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using snmp-exporter to monitor CISCO IOS and IOS-XE devices.
> However I have issues with merging the "IF-MIB" and 
> IF-MIB provides information with the following labels:
> ifIndex
> ifName
> ifDescr
> ifAlias
> if I add the "CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB" to the generator I get the results 
> from the Cisco device but the metrics do not caontain the ifIndex, ifName, 
> ifDesc, ifAlias information.
> Unfortunately I do not know if this can be configured in the generator.yml 
> file or not and in addition I do not really understand the lookup and 
> override configuration.
> This is the part of IF-MIB and CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB in my generator.yml.
> I get the metrics but the CISOC MIB is missing - for me relevant - labels 
> I have in the IF-MIB.
>   if_mib_15s:
>     walk: 
> [ifName,ifAlias,ifDescr,ifIndex,ifMtu,ifHighSpeed,ifAdminStatus,ifOperStatus,ifLastChange,ifConnectorPresent,ifHCInOctets,ifHCInUcastPkts,ifHCInMulticastPkts,ifHCInBroadcastPkts,ifHCOutOctets,ifHCOutUcastPkts,ifHCOutMulticastPkts,ifHCOutBroadcastPkts,ifInDiscards,ifOutDiscards,ifInErrors,ifOutErrors,ifInUnknownProtos]
>     lookups:
>       - source_indexes: [ifIndex]
>         lookup: ifAlias
>       - source_indexes: [ifIndex]
>         # Uis OID to avoid conflict with PaloAlto PAN-COMMON-MIB.
>         lookup: # ifDescr
>       - source_indexes: [ifIndex]
>         # Use OID to avoid conflict with Netscaler NS-ROOT-MIB.
>         lookup: # ifName
>     overrides:
>       ifAlias:
>         ignore: true # Lookup metric
>       ifDescr:
>         ignore: true # Lookup metric
>       ifName:
>         ignore: true # Lookup metric
>       ifType:
>         type: EnumAsInfo
>     max_repetitions: 50
>     timeout: 5s
>     retries: 3
>   ciscoIfExtension_15s:
>     walk: 
> [cieIfIndex,cieInterfacesIndex,cieIfName,cieIfNameMappingEntry,cieIfNameMappingTable,cieIfInRuntsErrs,cieIfInGiantsErrs,cieIfInFramingErrs,cieIfInOverrunErrs,cieIfInIgnored,cieIfInputQueueDrops,cieIfOutputQueueDrops,cieIfStateChangeReason,cieIfOperStatusCause,cieIfOperStatusCauseDescr]
>     max_repetitions: 50
>     timeout: 5s
>     retries: 3
> The second part of the question is:
> In IF-MIB i can get the system uptime of "ifLastChange". it contains 
> interface information (ifIndex, ifName, ...).
> the other metric ist "sysUpTime"
> I wanto to generate a PromQL query in grafana which shows me the time 
> which passed since the last change of the interface. So if I open my 
> dashboard I want to see that the interface's status changed 3min earlier. I 
> do not want to have the information that the last changed happend when the 
> system was up for 128d 18h 25min.
> any chance to calculate this and if yes can you provide the query?

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