
Happy 2024 to all

I get this error with "promtool check config"

Checking xxx-winserver-rules.yml
lint error 1 duplicate rule(s) found.

Those are my rules

grep expr xxx-winserver-rules.yml
expr: 100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(windows_cpu_time_total{mode="idle",app="MyAppName"}[2m])) * 100) > 80 expr: 100 - 100 * ((windows_logical_disk_free_bytes{app="MyAppName", volume!="C:"} / 1024 / 1024) / (windows_logical_disk_size_bytes{app="MyAppName", volume!="C:"} / 1024 / 1024)) > 70 expr: 100 - ((windows_os_physical_memory_free_bytes{app="MyAppName"} / windows_cs_physical_memory_bytes{app="MyAppName"}) * 100) > 90 expr: windows_service_state{app="MyAppName", name=~"tomcat10.+|otcs.+", state!~"running"} == 1 expr: windows_service_status{app="MyAppName", name="w3svc", status="ok", webserver="IIS"} != 1 expr: windows_service_status{app="MyAppName", component="MyComponentName3", name="vendor5 monitoring agent", status="ok"} != 1 expr: windows_service_state{app="MyAppName",component="MyComponentName",name="spawner",state="running"} != 1 expr: windows_service_state{app="MyAppName",component="MyComponentName",name="tomcat9",state="running"} != 1

I suspect this maybe the issue?

Are those 2 lines the problem? How-To re-write better?

expr: windows_service_state{app="MyAppName",component="MyComponentName",name="spawner",state="running"} != 1 expr: windows_service_state{app="MyAppName",component="MyComponentName",name="tomcat9",state="running"} != 1

kind regards

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