Monitoring for a metric vanishing is not a very good way to do alerting. 
Metrics hang around for the "staleness" interval, which by default is 5 
minutes. Ideally, you should monitor all the things you care about 
explicitly, get a success metric like "up" (1 = working, 0 = not working) 
and then alert on "up == 0" or equivalent. This is much more flexible and 

Having said that, there's a quick and dirty hack that might be good enough 
for you:

    expr: container_memory_usage_bytes offset 10m unless 

This will give you an alert if any metric container_memory_usage_bytes 
existed 10 minutes ago but does not exist now. The alert will resolve 
itself after 10 minutes.

The result of this expression is a vector, so it can alert on multiple 
containers at once; each element of the vector will have the container name 
in the label ("name")

On Saturday 18 May 2024 at 19:50:48 UTC+1 Sleep Man wrote:

> I have a large number of containers. I learned that the following 
> configuration can monitor a single container down. How to configure it to 
> monitor all containers and send the container name once a container is down.
> - name: containers
>   rules:
>   - alert: jenkins_down
>     expr: absent(container_memory_usage_bytes{name="jenkins"})
>     for: 30s
>     labels:
>       severity: critical
>     annotations:
>       summary: "Jenkins down"
>       description: "Jenkins container is down for more than 30 seconds."

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