Program yg berdiri pada thn 1999 dan telah Membayar $100.000.000 (Seratus Juta Dollar) dan Memiliki 10.000.000 (SEPULUH JUTA Member),sehingga Media PC WORLD menempatkan nya di Urutan ke "5" dari 25 websitenya yg SANGAT MENGERIKAN Pengunjungnya. (number five in its list of 25 worst web sites)
Matt Marshall dari VentureBeat Menyebutkan: This targeting aspect is where AGLOCOs latest incarnation could prove more powerful than last time (AllAdvantage ranked among the top twenty websites, according to Nielsen/Netratings; it had ten million members). Better targeting technology exists today, and affiliate models are more established. Michael Arrington Dari TechCrunch: If they can get enough people actively using the software, and the advertising market doesnt implode, my guess is they will have a success on their hands. AGLOCO isnt going to make the world a better place, but it may be a profitable business. TIDAK Ada RESIKO Pendaftaran 100% GRATIS Selama-lamanya. Cara Kerjannya Sederhana: GUNAKAN INTERNET..Perusahaan Mendapatkan UANG.. Perusahaan BAYAR KE AGLOCO..AGLOCO Bayat KE Member. (; Daftar SEGERA TIDAK Ada RESIKO dan JADI yg PERTAMA di INDONESIA dan Di DUNIA. informasi bisnis-bisnis terbaik lainnya !