Good Day,

Please do not be embarrassed to receive this letter,I am Special Adviser
(SA) to the President of Zimbabwe.

Presently I’m in United Kingdom (UK) for a vacation visit, I’ll be greatly
interested to have you as my foreign business partner, because I intend to
invest (Twenty Million United States Dollars) in your country under your
umbrella on a lucrative business such like Real Estate, Hotel Or any
profitable business of your choice e.t.c, If only you can assure me that
you're a good person, and also the safety of the above mentioned

Please also note, I intend to give you 30% percent of the total money for
your assistance you're going to render to execute this project on my
behalf. While the remaining 70% percent of the total sum will be invested
in the project.

I hope you can be a good assistance to me, considering the political
position in my country of which you must keep this project confidential,
and avoid any publicity for now knowing fully well that I’m still in the
government service.

Your urgent response is highly awaited

Yours  Sincerely.
Commander Allen Kamwendo

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