Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Author: Stewart Levison

Copyright (c) 2007 Stewart Levison

Researchers show that if we can laugh for fifteen minutes each day that it 
helps our blood flow, which in turn helps our heart. I have heard this saying 
all off my life, and I am sure you have too, "laughter is the best medicine". 
Well, I guess it really is. Can you imagine going to the doctor's office and 
instead of a prescription you get a list of comedy videos or a couple of names 
of good joke books? Wouldn't that seem strange? Studies and researchers have 
discovered that laughter affects the body in many, many, good ways and we don't 
even realize it.

Have you ever thought that your blood pressure can be lowered, laughter reduces 
stress, and laughter even helps your immune system? Why do more people not use 
this very pleasant pain free "drug"? I think this will be my drug of choice 
from now on. We just need to get more people turned on to it. Would you agree? 
Don't think you can ........................

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