Work with faith
 Dear beloved in the Lord,

 Greetings in the Holy name of our God. I know that you will be surprise to 
read this message from unknown person since we have not meet before but I want 
you to understand that is not by my power, God directed me to you. Please, no 
matter the time reading this message will take you, I want you to read it 
carefully and seek the face of our living God in other to have his clear 
revolutions over this call.  My name is Marinette Caberas, I married to late 
Mr.Caberas Herve who was an industrialist. for 11 years without a child, I want 
to inform you that customs of the village has pushed me out from my matrimonial 
home for not giving child to my husband but I know that the living God will 
surely guide me (Isaiah 58:11).

  Recently, my doctor told me that I would not last for the next five months 
due to Cancer. Though what disturbs me most is high blood pressure (HBP). 
Having known my condition, I decided to donate 16,870.00 million American 
dollars, the only inheritance fund I have from my husband after his family 
members confiscated all his prosperities and assets of which they are not aware 
of it. Presently, this money is still with the security company where my 
husband deposited the trunk box that contains the fund. Let me know urgently 
your acceptance to this fund into a good business investment for the benefit of 
street children, widows propagating the Word of God and to ensure that the 
house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the 
hand that giveth. 

I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit the 
money.  Dear brethren, understand that God does not count in our religions 
rather our obedience to his commandment. I will be looking forward to hear back 
from you so as to have your full confirmation over handling this donation fund 
perfectly without applying a betrayal mind to the trust our God has entrusted 
in you. 

Thanks and remain blessed in the Lord.  

Faithfully sister in Christ,  
Mrs.Marinette Caberas

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