Joseph Owor       Head of  Faculty of Business Admi nistration       
Uganda Christian University        Mukono Town , Uganda.  Confidential Message: 
I hope this message will meet you in good faith, please pardon me for reaching 
you in this manner  because you do not know me,and I am hoping that by this 
means we can establish a mutual relationship in regards to the reason why I 
cantacted you.  I have an obscure proposal of mutual interest to share wit h 
you. I got your email address from the Internet data base directories through 
my search for a relatively unknown person who will assist me in securing a 
large sum of amount as I will explain to you later.    I am Joseph Owor , The 
Head of  Faculty of  Business Administration of the Uganda Christian 
University.I will need you to assist us in executing a confidential charity 
project. It involves the securing of a large sum of  fund. Everything 
concerning this proposal shall be legally done without hitch if you are willing 
to consider this proposal.   Please I will kindly request that you endeavor to 
observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this message if my proposal 
is accepted by you due to the confidentil nature of this proposal and if this 
proposal is not acceptable by you, kindly delete this email and do not pass it 
to a third party as I vehemently risk my job to send you this email. 
  I am presently on a foreign committee appointment in Europe through the 
United Nations Christian charity project fund of Uganda as head of a world wide 
fund raising program for charity projects in Uganda.   Once the transaction I 
am proposing to you have been successfully completed if accepted by you and the 
fund in question is in your possession, we shall be offering to you a  ratio to 
be agreed upon as remuneration for your services.    kindly reach me back at 
this juncture to get your opinion first regarding this proposal, after that I 
will furnish you with more information about this procedures.
    You are to contact me on my secure email address below for further details 
if this proposal is accepted by you:
Thanks and waiting for your urgent response.  Yours Sincerely,Prof. Joseph Owor.

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