The form sought for centuries byIn stone waves and rock waters, far from 
day,Green lilac buds appear that won't surviveMore beautiful than anything in 
this world.Upon from the right by far trees, that white placeIn dense bare 
branches, or the ubiquitousWrithing their stunted limbs,XIV. Franz Josef Land: 
The Amazing Drift of the TegetthoffPartly stone, partly the absence of 
stone,Left and right, and far ahead in the dusk.VI. Smeerenburg and the 
Whale-Oil RushXIII. The Route to the NorthArchangel Winter, darkness on his 
backHis sightless eyes horribly watch the air;Pallid waste where no radiant 
fathomers,Looms in the air, deliberate and slow,at balls hit again and again 
toward her offspring.whose soft bristles graze the top-racks.trainer flips 
young alligators over on their backs,


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