Dear Friend,
I am Mr.David Khumalo, the accountant general of CPS Bank here in South Africa. 
I was privileged to use my position to over invoice a contract by excess of 
$22.Million Dollars, which is now insured and deposited in the banks escrow 
account for safe keeping.
What I need is a trust worthy Foreigner whom I will work in hand with, to 
transfer this money ($22,000.000:00) to his account immediately. I will use my 
position to influence this project in other to expedite the transfer.
Note: all documents regards to this transfer has been arranged by me and my 
lawyer for easy depositing and transferring of the fund online to you nominated 
account.Based on your acceptance I have agreed to give you 40% of the total sum.

Send me the following information below to enable my lawyer to file a claim on 
your behalf upon your confirmation of interest, then I will send you a mapped 
out procedure for this transaction.

1.Full Name, address and occupation 
2.Private phone number 
3.Identification copy

Reply to my private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

David Khumalo.

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