FROM: DAVID KUBA.TEL: +27-83-9470181 FAX:+27 866145907ATTENTION: DIRECTOR /CEO. 
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL  You may be surprised to receive this letter from me,  
I am MR.DAVID KUBA,the first SON of MR.PEDRO KUBA,a farmer and leader movement 
for democratic change (MDC)in Zimbabwe who was murdered in the land dispute in 
Zimbabwe.    Before the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to 
deposit the sum of US$40 M(FOURTY  MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS),in a Security 
Company, as if he fore saw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. This amount was 
meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the farms and the 
establishment of the new farms in Swaziland. Infact, alot of people have been 
killed because of this land reformed Act for which my father was one of the 
victims. the law of South Africa prohibit a refugee (asylum seeker)to do any 
legal businesss. Which ever the option you want, feel free to notify me as I 
have also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred in the 
proccess of this transaction. If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing 
to give you 20% of the money while the remaining 75% will be for my investment 
in your country. Contact me with the above telephone number , maintain the 
absolute secrecy required in this transaction. And no matter the level of 
transaction we are, you must call me on phone first before sending a reply. I 
realy need your assistance to transfer this money out.Please, You should keep 
this transaction secret and confidential. And send your fax and telephone 
numbers for easy communication. THANKS , DAVID KUBA (FOR THE FAMILY)
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