Airbrush Makeup- The Evolution of Beauty
Author: Robert Closs

What ever happened to Fay Wray? We've lost her in the tunnels of time, but the 
new starlet captured in these beastly arms is just as gorgeous as Wray ever 
was- and we've done it all with a little bit of air! Sounds light? You're 
right! Airbrushing! The flawless coverage and natural translucency that 
airbrush makeup offers is a huge step in the evolution of makeup art.

When the average person hears the word airbrush, we think of a car being 
painted, or the final stages of prints for magazines that are finessed into 
perfection. Today, these processes are accomplished digitally. The model's 
print (who already happens to be stunningly gorgeous) is color corrected, her 
teeth are made whiter, her pupils enhanced, her lashes made thicker, her skin 
tweaked to perfection, her legs thinned out and elongated. It's quite an 
artificial process and it leads me to the conclusion that I ...or any farm 
animal in Bruce County, for that matter... could probably model for Vogue. 
However, what would you say if some of these adjustments could be made on your 
face instead of on your picture? I said prove it!

As I watched the tiny droplets leave the airbrush gun and dance in the air 
before landing on the subject's face I was intrigued. I was sold when I saw a 
pretty great result dry into...................................

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