We would like to share with you an easy to read eBook on breaking porn addiction written by Frankie Orlando, a psychology graduate of Virginia Polytechnic and State University. Treating an Addiction to Internet Pornography: A Guide for Single People, Married People, and their Spouses serves not only as a great introduction to online sexual addictions but also explains how to design a simple to follow action plan that can help you change your lifestyle. http://creamwalls.TEXMEDiA3.hop.clickbank.net/ * * * * * This is not spam. You receive this mail because you are a member of this Yahoo group. If you do not wish to receive any more mails from this Yahoo group, please follow these 3 steps: - Scroll to the bottom of this page and find the links of Yahoo Groups at the very bottom of this page. - Click "Change setting via the web" link. You will be brought to the Edit Membership Page of this Yahoo Group. - Change your message delivery (Step 2) option to "Web Only" instead of "Individual Email" By selecting this option, you will be stil member of this Yahoo group but will not receive individual mails to your email. If you wish to totally remove this Yahoo group, click on the "Leave Group" button in Edit Membership page which is located next to blue "Save Changes" buton.