PS: What about a function that supports backward-chaining with Z theorems, something like z_bc_tac and z_bc_thm_tac? I suppose this could be quite useful too. Is there anything more that needs to be done other than rewriting the Z universal quantifier into a HOL one, and using the HOL backward-chaining tactics?

Yes. I have been meaning to get round to this for a long time. It isn't quite as simple as you might think because the Z tactics are designed to keep in Z, but the back-chaining tactics often need to produce an existentially quantified goal and that would need to be converted from HOL back into Z.

I was often finding that I wanted to backward-chain in Z so I wrote a simple version of z_bc_thm_tac as attached. It may not do everything that is required of such a tactic and doesn't have any proper error management but it has been sufficient for my purposes.


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Attachment: z_bc_thm_tac.doc.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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