
I will certainly look into what you mentioned after dinner.

I did run the yum install commands as you mentioned, but it is possible I
spelled it wrong. I will look into and get back to you.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Phil Clayton <>wrote:

> Jon,
> On 01/08/12 22:43, Jon Lockhart wrote:
>> I forgot to grab the devel rpm when I was on the download site. I had
>> olbly grabbed the OpenMotif rpm. That did the trick on the configuration
>> file.
> devel packages are easily overlooked!  Usually, when you have source code
> with a build dependency on X, you need X's devel package.
>  Now I am running into the issue on the install. I have attached the
>> build log for your convienece. The install is failing b/c the file
>> Print.h is not available in the X11 folder, and I have tried
>> reinstalling with yum several times. Is there another package from yum
>> that I have possibly missed downloading?
> The missing file is
>   /usr/include/X11/extensions/**Print.h
> On my machine, the command
>   rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/include/X11/extensions/**Print.h
> indicates that the package libXp-devel provides this file.  This should
> have been installed by the yum command I quoted previously, which included
> libXp-devel.  Can you double check that you entered the command exactly,
> omitting only the line containing polyml?  (I checked the fc17 package, and
> it does appear to provide this file.)
>  I just want to take the time now to thank you and Rob for all the help
>> you been providing me on getting PP up and running. It has been a long
>> time since I used a Linux system, and having to relearn all this
>> material I go is frustrating, along with trying to get a tool installed
>> that I really want to try and use with my formal specification writing.
>> I appreciate everything I have been provided.
> Glad to help.  With Linux distributions these days, package management
> support takes most of the pain out of fetching/installing prerequisites.
>  But you still need to know which packages to install...
> It's a pity that 90% of the installation effort is just to get Xpp
> working.  I'm working on a GTK-based replacement to Xpp but it's not quite
> ready yet.
> Regards,
> Phil
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