Thank you Roger,  Since you said the tgz file is compressed, I
re-downloaded it, and the original problem went away!  I guess it had been
slightly corrupted somehow during transfer.

Next I found that Debian (Jessie) installs an older version of PolyML (5.2)
and does not include polyc, so ProofPower fails installation. (I could see
the problem in the build.log.)

I got the source for PolyML 5.5 and built it.
Also missing in Debian are some of the libx* libraries,  but you clearly
list those in the installation instructions (thank you for that!).

Now ProofPower installs and I am a happy camper again!

I really appreciate the support you provide.  -Dave

On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Roger Bishop Jones <>

> David,
> On 05/07/15 06:02, David Topham wrote:
> > I am installing the latest version of OpenProofPower in Debian.
> >
> > When I run ./configure, I get a message saying that tex and latex is
> > not found.
> >
> > I know latex is installed (although not in the normal directory). I
> > put the location
> > of latex in PATH, but still no dice. I can run latex from the command
> > line with no problems.
> >
> What does "which latex" say?
> The configure script is checking with its own version of "which" to get
> around
> problems with which in some contexts.
> > Is there a requirement that latex be in a certain directory?
> No.
> > Or any environment variables other
> > than PATH that should be updated?
> >
> those is required,
> See section 4 of the README file for further advice on environment
> variables.
> >
> >
> > One other minor comment:  when trying to extract the tgz file, I get
> > message saying the file is not in a valid
> > zip format!   If I use tar without the z option, it works ok.
> >
> That doesn't sound right.
> The latest release file will unpack with tar whether or not z is
> specified but if
> the file you have is not compressed then its not the right file.
> I suggest you go back to square 1(ish) download the latest tar file,
> unpack it and try again,
> Then if you still have the problem, report back in greater detail,
> (though there isn't a lot more detail to be had!).
> i.e. exactly what you did and what the response was and the output
> from "which latex".
> Roger
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