Did you install the print previewer in 98 before upgrading?

I had to deinstall and reinstall Protel 99SE from scratch because some DLL
or registry setting was messed up by some addon I installed.

Usually when I get weird exceptions like this I have found them to be
because of an old DLL. Before going back to Protel 98 I'd uninstall
everything to do with Protel, then do a fresh install of Protel99SE and
service pack 6. Doing this on my Win2k machine cleaned up all the strange
exceptions. I just wish it would give a closing Protel dialog box when it
takes 20 seconds of doing nothing to close.

Oh and I just tested print preview with the Win2k driver for a Laserjet 4M
Plus with no problem on my Win2k machine.


"Kathy Quinlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/27/2001 01:47:16 PM

Please respond to "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Rob LaMoreaux/DSPT)
Subject:  Re: [PEDA] Printing problems

I know the feeling, I searched the KB about printing problems as our
archives indicate someone else was sending Protel reports on printing
crashes under win2k, but no issues came up :o(

I have tried printing to my Canon BJC4650 with the same problem "Exception
occured in PCBPrint: PrintPreview"

As I said schematics are fine, just not PCB's.

I went to HP's site and upgraded my laserjet driver also but still no go

Any Ideas or is it only fixable by dropping back to Protel 98 ???



----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew J Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Printing problems

> On 10:28 PM 8/27/2001 +0800, Kathy Quinlan wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am running Protel 99SE with SP6 under WIN2K SP2.
> >
> >when I try to print a PCB I get an access violation in module address
> >
> >
> >Schematic diagrams print out fine :o)
> >
> >The printer I am trying to print to is a local (ie attached to this PC)
HP 4l.
> Someone else probably knows better, but I think the HP4 laser jet has/had
problems with a great many applications (as I recall, back when it was a
"hot" item, ~1992, many apps crashed when attempting to print to the
device). You might start by trying to update the driver, and/or check Hp's
site for troubleshooter info. I did a quick search for you at Protel's (um,
I mean Altium) site, (http://www.protel.com)  but either the KB is busted,
poorly written, or simply no longer contains any entries regarding the HP4L
(I am almost positive that it once did...)
> aj
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