I receved this advice from Protel when doing a re install.

Hello Clive,

I'll forward this information on technical resources. Regarding PLD with
there being no devices in the list. It this is occurring then you will
definitely have to reinstall Protel 99 SE. Follow the steps below,

A complete reinstall removes all customisations to menus and toolbars etc.

1. Uninstall the Service Pack/s using Add/Remove programs in Control Panel.
2. Uninstall the Protel 99SE program using Add/Remove programs in Control
3. Manually delete the Protel 99SE files from the Windows/Winnt folder.
To do this use the Find files function from the START menu button.
Search for *99SE.* it will probably find about 25-30 files, delete these.
4. Reinstall Protel 99SE.
5. Reinstall Service Pack 5

Regards Ben.

Ben Burgess
Protel Australia
Sales and Support Consultant


Clive Broome
IDT Sydney Design Centre        Ph:         +61 2 9763 3513
8 Bayswater Dr, Homebush        Fax:        +61 2 9763 3409
Sydney,  NSW, 2127              Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

         Australia's Leading Semiconductor Designers

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/28/2001 05:19:48 AM

Please respond to "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Clive Broome/sdc)

Subject:  Re: [PEDA] Printing problems

Did you install the print previewer in 98 before upgrading?

I had to deinstall and reinstall Protel 99SE from scratch because some DLL
or registry setting was messed up by some addon I installed.

Usually when I get weird exceptions like this I have found them to be
because of an old DLL. Before going back to Protel 98 I'd uninstall
everything to do with Protel, then do a fresh install of Protel99SE and
service pack 6. Doing this on my Win2k machine cleaned up all the strange
exceptions. I just wish it would give a closing Protel dialog box when it
takes 20 seconds of doing nothing to close.

Oh and I just tested print preview with the Win2k driver for a Laserjet 4M
Plus with no problem on my Win2k machine.


"Kathy Quinlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/27/2001 01:47:16 PM

Please respond to "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Rob LaMoreaux/DSPT)
Subject:  Re: [PEDA] Printing problems

I know the feeling, I searched the KB about printing problems as our
archives indicate someone else was sending Protel reports on printing
crashes under win2k, but no issues came up :o(

I have tried printing to my Canon BJC4650 with the same problem "Exception
occured in PCBPrint: PrintPreview"

As I said schematics are fine, just not PCB's.

I went to HP's site and upgraded my laserjet driver also but still no go

Any Ideas or is it only fixable by dropping back to Protel 98 ???



----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew J Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Printing problems

> On 10:28 PM 8/27/2001 +0800, Kathy Quinlan wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am running Protel 99SE with SP6 under WIN2K SP2.
> >
> >when I try to print a PCB I get an access violation in module address
> >
> >
> >Schematic diagrams print out fine :o)
> >
> >The printer I am trying to print to is a local (ie attached to this PC)
HP 4l.
> Someone else probably knows better, but I think the HP4 laser jet has/had
problems with a great many applications (as I recall, back when it was a
"hot" item, ~1992, many apps crashed when attempting to print to the
device). You might start by trying to update the driver, and/or check Hp's
site for troubleshooter info. I did a quick search for you at Protel's (um,
I mean Altium) site, (http://www.protel.com)  but either the KB is busted,
poorly written, or simply no longer contains any entries regarding the HP4L
(I am almost positive that it once did...)
> aj
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