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Engineering/Technical Placement Specialists

On 01:34 AM 5/10/2001 -1100, Douglas McDonald said:
>Perhaps I ought to balance my own reply by telling you that the software 
>has definitely got faults. In the hour I was there, I saw it throw a GPF 
>under W98; its got a dongle (which we all loathe) and there's plenty 
>missing from it - schematics are multi-sheet only (no hierarchy) etc etc.
>I didn't mean to sound like an ad, I probably just had my rose-tinted 
>specs on and I don't think it's appropriate to post data about 
>competetitive packages here except to stimulate development of our beloved 
>tool (blushes). Protel should be aware that people are not always going to 
>accept the limitations of software tools and increasing prices to boot.
>If you still want to know, mail me direct ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
>and I'll find out the URL for you.


If it was me I would name away, but I respect your reasons not to name 
names.  My opinion is, I think competitive pressure is a great way of 
getting the marketing bods thinking about what we want.  Especially if as a 
group we make rational assessments of the pros and cons and name features 
that we would like.  They will only know what we like about competitive 
packages if we discuss it openly here.

I would like to encourage you to name names.  Anyone else want to man the 
rack while I attend to the thumb screws? :-)
Seriously, I see the capabilities of competitive packages very relevant to 
this Protel forum. Does anyone else agree that we should name names?

I assume that Protel run copies of quite a few competitors software.  If 
not they should.

Ian Wilson

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