>On 11/15/01 Altium responded:
>"It is not possible to manually define the 3D model that Protel will use to
>represent your custom made components at this time.  There are third-party
>tools that may be helpful in this task.  The companies that I am aware of
>that offer these tools are . http://www.qualecad.com/  and

I think that one of the few good responses from Protel/Altium I've heard.

They should stick to making design entry tools and make them work 100%.

At the moment we have:-

A schematic entry tool that is missing features and has many bugs.
A PCB system that has missing features and crashes a lot.
An almost useless 3D 'viewer'.
A redundant spreadsheet that tries to emulate Excel.
A badly integrated spice tool
An extensive but disjointed library (PCB and SCH)
A pointless PCB quoting system
An undocumented 'Public' API
The list grows.....

Altium, scrap at least half of the above features and use the now redundant
programmers to make the rest 200% better and get them 100% tested. Leave the
nice add-ons to third parties that have the time AND the incentive to make
them work.

I am reaching the end of my patience with Protel and expect we'll will soon
give it the push, a feeling that I expect many others have.  It would not be
unlikely for Altium to receive a bill from our legal department for wasted
time and money!!


P.S. Heads up Cadence, you should be using this chance to catch all of the
deserting (ex) Protel users.

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