My biggest gripe of M$ OS's is that to install most programs you need to
reboot, and if you are installing multiple programs and choose not to
reboot, funny registry corruption can occur (which is hit and miss, may
happen to 1 of 10 identical builds)

Atleast with the *nix's unless changing hardware, their is no need to touch
the power switch, infact I hardly ever even use need to reboot (only after a
kernel re compile)

Add this to the license issues, and I can fast see why *nix is taking over,
sure installation is not user friendly YET, but it is getting their, a new
version is rumoured to be released soon that will allow easy auto config for
hardware, boots straight to the GUI .... Basically OsX for a PC :o)



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----- Original Message -----
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] MS versus Linux

> >
> > I managed 283days uptime on my Windows 2000 work station and
> > thats using
> > Protel, Word, Excel and numerous other application everyday
> > and just loging
> > off at night.
> That sounds about right for Windows 2000.
> >
> > The reboot came when I installed service pack 2, 114 days ago
> > and yesterday
> > when I was forced to unpick Acrobat 4 writer as it stopped Protel PCB
> > printer working !!!!
> >
> > I have had two bluescreens of death (10th April 2001 and 11th
> > April 2001) in
> > that time both caused by fiddling with Jungo's device driver
> > development
> > software. Use the UPTIME command in resource kit to show system uptime
> > statistics.
> >
> > In my experience of Windows 2000 running on the many Dell
> > machines we have
> > here I have yet to see any unexplained blue screens of death.
> > Disk failure
> > does it "I/O failure during paging operation".
> >
> > So why would I want something more reliable than this ?
> That's a good question, and indeed it's one that shouldn't have to be
> answered. The answer, of course, isn't that Linux is more reliable than
> Windows products (as you say, win2k is pretty darned good), it's with
> ongoing support and draconian licencing issues. It's all well and good to
> say that Win2k is stable, but win2k is, or soon will be, no longer
> by Microsoft. Want that driver for that new foo-32 device? You'll have to
> "upgrade" to XP, with all its associated licensing issues.
> Using Linux rather than Windows is at the present time more of a
> philosophical decision, at least for me.
> Cheers,
> Matthew van de Werken
> Electronics Engineer
> CSIRO Exploration & Mining - Gravity Group
> 1 Technology Court - Pullenvale - Qld - 4069 - AUSTRALIA
> ph:  +61-7-3327 4685     fax:  +61-7-3327 4455

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