all the time
put two schem symbols on top of each other and put 2 separate pcb
footprints on top of each other

you can also assign a net to a component trace by using the update
primitives function in the netlist manager

Dennis Saputelli

Bernhard Koss wrote:
> i am trying to make an footprint for an smd-oscillator. but if this
> smd-device isn't available i want to use a through-hole part.
> so i made a footprint in my pcb-library which works for both parts. i
> assigned the same pinnumber to 2 different pads and connected them with a
> wire. this causes different drc-errors and makes complete autorouting
> impossible because i can't assign a net to the wire bewtwen my 2 pads.
> anybody had that problem before or a good idea?
> kind regards
>             bernhard

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      fax: 415-647-3003                        San Francisco, CA 94110

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