 It s really not a bug,    you also have to remove the layer from Design
Rules, Routing layers and change it to "Not Used"   Then you will get a
clean Specta export

Mike Reagan
Frederick MD

> Hi,
> I can confirm the last of the bugs reported.
> I had a situation where Midlayer 14 had been used and I removed that layer
> from the layer stack manager to use an other layer. (I usually use Mid
> layer 1, 2 etc. but this design was don by somebody else before me). When
> exported the design to Specctra the Layer 14 still was exported. I Opened
> the rules to fix it and it was greyed out. I had to add so I had 14 mid
> layers in the layer stack manager to be able to choose not used under
> rules. Then I could remove all unwanted midlayers and I was back to the
> design that I wanted. Really messy. So it is a bug that only the routing
> layer is used for the specctra export and no warning is issued that there
> is an difference between Layer Stack manager and Routing layers rule.
> Best Regards
> Mattias Ericson
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mattias Ericson
> Omnisys Instruments AB
> Gruvgatan 8
> SE-421 30  V stra Fr lunda, SWEDEN
> Phone: +46 31 734 34 08
> Fax:      +46 31 734 34 29
>                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                                To:       "Protel EDA
>                       2002-08-14 14:29         cc:
>                       Please respond to        Subject:  Re: [PEDA] Gerber
and Specctra bugs
>                       "Protel EDA
>                       Forum"
> Hi Ian,
> thank you for the quick response. Here are the details:
> <snip>
> >What would be really really helpful would be you laying out the info in
> the
> >following form so I can copy and paste.
> >
> >Date: 2002/01/28 sort of format (yyyy/mm/dd)
> >Summary: PCB: Gerber gerneration of renamed layers is (wrong?)
> >Details: P99SE SP6 PCB: .... a few sentences describing the problem and
> any
> >workarounds...
> >Reported by: yourself here
> >Confirmed by: has anyone confirmed it?
> >
> >Do this for both of the bugs, if you could.  I do not have Specctra so
> >would not really know what I was writing anyway...
> I will do as you suggest. Here we go:
> Date: 2002/07/05
> Summary: PCB: Gerber generation of renamed layers creates 2 layer files,
> one with old and one with new name
> Details: P99SE SP6 PCB: In the "Layer Stack Manager", when you rename a
> layer, the
> "Layer Stack Manager" shows the new name, and so do all other PCB
> related to layers, but when you create Gerbers, there shows up a layer
> the old name, plus a layer with the new name, but this one is empty apart
> from multi-layer elements.
> Reported by: Gisbert Auge
> Confirmed by: not until now to my knowledge
> Date: 2002/07/05
> Summary: PCB: "Autoroute/Specctra Interface/Export design file" can
> generate a .DSN file with the wrong number of routing layers specified
> Details: P99SE SP6 PCB: There is a bug in the influence of Rules/Routing
> layers and the  "Autoroute/Specctra Interface/Export design file"
> It is easy to reproduce. Do the following:
> Take a multilayer PCB (no matter how many layers, but at least one inner
> routing layer) and define the layers in "Layer Stack Manager" as usual. Go
> to "Design/Rules/Routing Layers/Properties" and define the layer
> as desired. Close with "ok". Go back to the "Layer Stack Manager" and
> delete one inner routing layer. Check in "Design/Rules/Routing
> Layers/Properties" that the layer is not active (selected and editable)
> more. Do an export to SPECCTRA. Check the resulting .DSN file, and you
> see, that the deleted layer is exported to SPECCTRA as active routing
> layer, resulting in SPECCTRA routing the design with too many layers. A
> clear, reproducable bug.
> Workaround: Before deleting the layer in the "Layer Stack Manager", go to
> "Design/Rules/Routing Layers/Properties" and reset the layer to "not
> Then delete it in the "Layer Stack Manager", and it is gone for good.
> Reported by: Gisbert Auge
> Confirmed by: not until now to my knowledge
> >Still onward and upward.
> >
> >I gather there is lots of bad weather in Europe at the moment - are you
> >very wet where you are?  It is very dry in Eastern Australia at the
> >and little chance of any significant rain till into next year
apparently -
> >full drought conditions in many parts.
> Not too bad in our part of the country, fortunately. But very bad in the
> southeast parts of Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. Most probably
> for the same reason why it's so dry in your place. And still the US refuse
> to sign the Kyoto agreement. They might get it next time. They will
> No harm intended. Just my 2 Eurocents.
> Mit freundlichem Gru 
> Kind regards
> Gisbert Auge
> N.A.T. GmbH
> ************************************************************************
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