Um, don't you mean P98 SP 12?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JaMi Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 9:35 PM
> To: Protel EDA Forum
> Cc: JaMi Smith
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] 2004 DXP Looks Great,
> This is kind of what I was trying to address in the DXP Forum 
> with a post there, before Nick stepped in and totally 
> side-stepped the issue by telling me to go read a link.
> People keep calling Protel 2004 an "Upgrade".
> With the exception of the "Nano-Board" stuff, it occurs to me 
> that this is not a real "Upgrade" in anything but name only, 
> and that in respect to DXP Schematic and DXP PCB that this is 
> really nothing more than the long long overdue Realease of 
> "Service Pack 3".
> This seems to be somewhat comparable to the "Upgrade" from 
> Protel 99 Service Pack 2 to Protel 99 SE, which if I 
> understand it correctly, was actually also called Service Pack 3.
> The problem here is that while I understand that the step 
> from Protel 99 to Protel 99 SE actually was in fact a really 
> big step, what we appear to have here is simply some 
> additional functionality, which you must pay for if you want, 
> and which is clearly additional to the basic DXP Package, but 
> that with respect to the basic Schematic and PCB Packaging 
> part of DXP, we are only getting a Service Pack, and one that 
> really doesen't look like it really may have addressed all of 
> the problems in the "DXP Only" part of the package, based on 
> what I am seeing here in the forums.
> Respecting the issue of "too many trees" for Manuals, When I 
> got my initial Release of DXP, I got a manual that was just 
> over 3/8" thick that was an absolute joke (I am once again 
> restraining myself to keep it clean here in the forum), that 
> was totally worthless, and very soon actually obsolete. I can 
> accept the fact that Altium did not want to print any manuals 
> while they were trying to get their collective DXP act 
> together, but if they think that that time has come, and they 
> have actually decided to go ahead and print a "THICK manual" 
> as Mike called it, then I do believe that Altium "owes" one 
> of these manuals to all of it's DXP customers, since it never 
> delivered a useable manual in the first place, and have been 
> "begging off" giving one to every DXP Licensee with various 
> excuses over the last year and a half now.
> Altium - If you have actually have printed a manual, then 
> distribute it to the people that you have been stalling for 
> the last year and a half, irrespective of the number of trees 
> that it takes.
> Respectively submitted,
> JaMi Smith
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ian Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] 2004 DXP Looks Great,
> > On 03:03 AM 9/03/2004, Tony Karavidas said:
> > >I'm guessing they it's either a new purchase or he is paying 
> > >maintenance.
> > >
> > >Tony
> >
> > This was made quite clear by Nick on the DXP list, wasn't it Tony.
> >
> > Full licenses get manuals, the upgrade issued to DXP 
> license holders 
> > don't.  At least this is what Nick Martin wrote: "The free upgrade 
> > packages won't include the Printed Books (too many
> > trees!!) but all the doco is available on the CD."
> > This seems clear enough to me.
> >
> > So Mike, was yours an "free" upgrade from DXP or a new 
> P2004 license?
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >

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