
In primul rand, tin sa le multumesc celor de pe liste care mi-au dat info
ref. la Schengen! :)

In al doilea rand: tot cineva de pe o lista m-a rugat sa-i dau ceva-ceva din
info primite.

Pentru ca s-ar putea sa mai fie persoane interesate, pun aici "colectia" de
links :)
In final, dau si un copy/paste de pe un document in word, pe care mi l-a
trimis cineva - e fain, pentru ca da foarte pe scurt niste definitii ;).
Documentul intreg am sa incerc sa-l pun pe site-ul listei :)

Le pun si la



aici e o chestie, un extras din conventia de aplicare a acordului schengen
din 14 iunie 1985

extras completare:

aici e versiunea in franceza a aceleiasi chestii (trebuie sa fie undeva si
in engleza, nu am apucat momentan sa caut)

aici e un pic de background, cu acordu' sengan si conventia de aplicare...
Adica au semnat acordu' in '85, au bagat o conventie in '90, care conventie
a intrat in vigoare in 95 (cand au disparut efectiv granitele interne)


Acordul, in engleza, asilea:

vezi si astea:



ceva istorie, iar aici
conventia pentru implementarea Acordului Schengen.



The 1990 Convention applying the Schengen Agreement


The Convention applying the Schengen Agreement was signed by the five
original member states on 19 June 1990. Italy signed the Agreement in
November 1990, Portugal and Spain in June 1991 and Greece in 1992. The
Agreement came into operation in March 1995 after long delays in setting up
the Schengen Information System.
It should be considered in conjunction with the Schengen acquis which has
been incorporated into the acquis communautaire under the Amsterdam Treaty.


Convention applying the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the
governments of the states of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal
Republic of Germany and the French Republic, on the gradual abolition of
checks at their common borders
The Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French
Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, hereinafter called Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg and the Contracting Parties,
Taking as their basis the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual
abolition of checks at their common borders,
Having decided to implement the intention expressed in that agreement of
bringing about the abolition of checks at their common borders on the
movement of persons and facilitating the transport and movement of goods,
Whereas the Treaty establishing the European Communities, supplemented by
the Single European Act, provides that the internal market shall comprise an
area without internal frontiers,
Whereas the aim pursued by the Contracting Parties coincides with that
objective, without prejudice to the measures to be taken to implement the
provisions of the Treaty,
Whereas the implementation of that intention requires a series of
appropriate measures and close cooperation between the Contracting Parties,
Have agreed as follows:



Article 1 For the purposes of this Convention:

Internal borders
shall mean the common land borders of the Contracting Parties, their
airports for internal flights and their sea ports for regular trans-shipment
connections exclusively from or to other ports within the territories of the
Contracting Parties not calling at any ports outside those territories;

External borders
shall mean the Contracting Parties' land and sea borders and their airports
and sea ports, provided they are not internal borders;

Internal flight
shall mean any flight exclusively to or from territories of the Contracting
Parties not landing within the territory of a Third State;

Third State
shall mean any State other than the Contracting Parties:

shall mean any person other than a national of a Member State of the
European Communities;

Alien reported as a person not to be permitted entry
shall mean any alien listed reported as a person not to be permitted entry
in the Schengen

Information System in accordance with Article 96;

Border crossing point
shall mean any crossing point-authorized by the competent authorities for
the crossing of external borders;

Border control
shall mean a check made at a border in response solely to an intention to
cross that border, regardless of any other consideration.

shall mean any natural or legal person whose occupation it is to provide
passenger transport by air, sea or land;

Residence permit
shall mean an authorization of any type issued by a Contracting Party giving
the right of residence within its territory. This definition shall not
include temporary admission to residence within the territory of a
Contracting Party for the purpose of the processing of an application for
asylum or an application for a residence permit;

Application for asylum
shall mean any application submitted in writing, orally or other-wise by an
alien at an external border or within the territory of a Contracting Party
with a view to obtaining recognition as a refugee in accordance with the
Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees, as
amended by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967 and as such obtaining
the right of residence;

Applicant for asylum
shall mean any alien who has submitted an application for asylum within the
meaning of this Convention, on which no final decision has been taken;

Processing of an application for asylum
shall mean all the procedures for examining and taking a decision on an
application for asylum, including measures taken in implementation of a
final decision thereon, with the exception of the determination of the
Contracting Parties responsible for the processing of an application for
asylum under this Convention.

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Then she'll be a true love of mine"

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