>> template <class T>
>> struct make_vector
>> {
>>     typedef boost::mpl::vector<T> type;
>> };
>> struct B
>>    : proto::or_<
>>         proto::when <
>>                     A,
>>                     make_vector<A(proto::_)>()

>You could simply use mpl::vector1<A(proto::_)>() and not bother with

Indeed. I tried with mpl::vector and it doesn't compile but vector1
does. Interesting.

>If A is a grammar as implied above, you can simplify the function to:
>  mpl::push_back<proto::_state, A>()
>The current element in the sequence will be operated on by default.

This doesn't compile but I need to have a closer look, it could be
another problem.
A is actually a proto::switch on 2 cases, terminals and preincrement
(for the moment).

>Whoops! Your grammar doesn't handle expressions that aren't comma
>expressions. Before passing an expr to a grammar, first try asserting
>that it matches the grammar.

This is done but not shown in the example. I use the grammar inside a function:
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((proto::matches<Expr, B>));

>If it doesn't evaluating the grammar's
>transform with the expr is a precondition violation. In this case, the
>grammar check is ignored and the fold_tree is executed against whatever
>expression you passed in. That will fold the tree on the top-most node
>type; e.g. if it's tag::plus, you'll fold on plus.

Ah yes I learned this one the hard way last night ;-)

>> So I suppose that at least the first part of when is wrong.
>> Any idea how to make it work?
>Depends on what you're trying to do. What should happen when you pass
>something that isn't a comma expression?

I call the grammar inside a function which asserts if proto::match rejects it.
What I now have is a grammar which should parse a variable number of A
++_1, ++_1
++_1, ++_1, ++_1

So I don't think comma<A,A> can possibly work, this would cover only
(++_1,++_1) , right?

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