On Wednesday 13 October 2010 07:10:15 Eric Niebler wrote:
> On 10/4/2010 11:51 PM, Thomas Heller wrote:
> > Eric Niebler wrote:
> >> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Thomas Heller


> >    Note: i created a unpack transform which is boilerplate code for the
> >    
> >          extraction of the children of the current node. So what it
> >          does is, that it calls the proto::callable passed as first
> >          template parameter and is applies an optional transform to
> >          the children prior to passing it to the callable,
> >          additionally it is able to forward the data and state to the
> >          transform
> I had a really hard time grokking unpack. In Proto, function-types are
> used to represent function invocation and object construction. The type
> "X(A,B,C)" means either call "X" with three arguments, or construct "X"
> with three arguments. In "unpack< X(A, B, C) >" X does *not* get called
> with three arguments. It gets called like "X( A(_0), A(_1), A(_2), ...B,
> C )", where _0, _1 are the child nodes of the current expression. This
> will confuse anyone familiar with Proto. I'd like to replace this with
> something a little more transparent.

Ok, i put to together an alternative version. This hooks onto the already in 
place transform mechanism and works like this:
Whenever the first argument to a transform is proto::vararg<Fun> it expands 
the child expressions and applies the Fun transform before the actual 
transform gets called, example:

struct test
    : proto::when<
        proto::function<vararg<proto::_> >
      , foo(vararg<proto::_>)

this will call foo(a0, a1 ... aN) where aX are the children of the function 
expressions. Note that you can replace proto::_ by any transform you like. 
Thus making the call look like:
foo(Fun(a0), Fun(a1), Fun(a2) ...)
Additionally, you can add whatever arguments you like to the transform.
I think this comes closer to what the user expects, and is more transparent.

The implementation can be found at:
A testcase can be found at:
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