On 10/21/2010 7:09 PM, Joel de Guzman wrote:
> Check out the doc I sent (Annex A). It's really, to my mind,
> generic languages -- abstraction of rules and templated grammars
> through metanotions and hyper-rules. 

Parameterized rules. Yes, I can understand that much. My understanding
stops when I try to imagine how to build a parser that recognizes a
grammar with parameterized rules.

> I have this strong feeling that
> that's the intent of Thomas and your recent designs. Essentially,
> making the phoenix language a metanotion in itself that can be
> extended post-hoc through generic means.

I don't think that's what Thomas and I are doing. vW-grammars change the
descriptive power of grammars. But we don't need more descriptive
grammars. Thomas and I aren't changing the grammar of Phoenix at all.
We're just plugging in different actions. The grammar is unchanged.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
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