
recently I have been promoting Proto to a few fellow coworker in some academic circles as well as in some industrial contexts. Most of these evangelisation process turned quite well but I felt a lot of time that something wasn't clinking as it should and I think it's partially because of the way proto presents itself and how the docs examples and tutorials are structured. So here is a few remarks and some
ideas on how to improve it.

1/ Proto describes itself as "Proto is a framework for building Domain Specific Embedded Languages in C++. It provides tools for constructing, type-checking, transforming and executing expression templates". A lot of people I spoke too where wondering what expression templates were and, as non-C++ expert, as honestly no clues what it was about. Others jumped on the fact that "oh it enables some lazy evaluation idiom in C++ ?". Few were acustomed to the EDSL idom. So, I wonder if we could not touch more potential users by stating it in a way "lazy evaluation" appears.

2/ What's the long term plan for context classes ? I remember discussign their removal but will it happen (at least from the doc) ? I spend quite a time demonstrating and reteaching transform over context to a lot of people. I'll gladly see them deprecated in 1.46 and maybe ditched in 1.47 or is there any reson to keep them ?

3/ The documentation on-going example of the calculator is OK but it lacks somethign between this and the full fledged, impressive small lambda or futures sampels at the end. I noticed a huge gap between the toy calculator and code people have to really write with proto. On the other hand, the Boost'con 2010 talk examples of map_assign was a real gem as it was simple enough to be grokkable by everybody and yet demonstrated a lot. I think it should be in the documentation instead of as a sample at the end. I remember
thinking "why it is not detaile dlike that in the doc" during your session.

4/ Maybe more diverse examples coudl eb turned into full fledged, detailed, step by step tutorial. map_assing, some kind of simpel lazy computation stuff (like the numerical integration sampel form Veldhuizen paper), a larger example with a transform not tied to the grammar (a lot of people assumed it could not be done), etc ... Thomas Heller and I were brainstormign a bit and mayeb we can actually get a list, code it and write the tutorial over. I can also offer internals of our SIMD code or even from Quaff for a tutorial on how having proto enabled intermediate representation is useful or on how to do pattern matchign on AST.

5/ Finally, this is starting to look like the Spirit site. What about a proto blog/website where articles liek this or sample code could be detailed, introspected and published ?

So here is some cents ;)

Food for thought-ly yours

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