On 11/18/2010 4:56 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
> I think Proto transforms need a "let" statement for storing intermediate
> results. Maybe something like this:
>   struct RenumberFun
>     : proto::fold<
>           _
>         , make_pair(fusion::vector0<>(), proto::_state)
>         , let<
>               _a( Renumber(_, second(proto::_state))> )
>             , make_pair(
>                   push_back(
>                       first(proto::_state)
>                     , first(_a)
>                   )
>                 , second(_a)
>               )
>           >
>       >
>   {};
> I haven't a clue how this would be implemented.
> It's fun to think about this stuff, but I wish it actually payed the bills.

Bills be damned. I just committed to trunk an implementation of
proto::let, along with tests and reference docs. End-user docs are still

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list

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