On 25/06/2012 23:30, Eric Niebler wrote:
On 6/25/2012 12:21 PM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:

There is a function which is very simple and that I found to be very
useful when dealing with expression trees.

unpack(e, f0, f1) which calls
f0(f1(e.child0), f1(e.child1), ..., f1(e.childN))

I can do recursion or not with the right f1, and I can 'unpack' an
expression to an n-ary operation f0.

Here f0 is typically a function that uses its own overloading-based
dispatching mechanism.

OK, thanks for the suggestion. Where have you found this useful?

For example I can use this to call

functor<tag::plus>()(functor<tag::multiplies>()(a, b), c);

from a tree like

expr<tag::plus, list2< expr<tag::multiplies, list2< expr<tag::terminal>, expr<tag::terminal> >, expr<tag:terminal> > >

NT2 uses a mechanism like this to evaluate expressions.

For element-wise expressions (i.e. usual vector operations), the f1 is the run(expr, pos) function -- actually more complicated, but there is no need to go into details -- which by default simply calls unpack recursively.

What the f0 does is simply unpack the expression and call a functor associated to the tag (i.e. run(expr, i) with expr<tag::pow, list2<foo, bar> > calls pow(run(foo, i), run(bar, i)) ).

The important bit is that it is also possible to overload run for a particular node type.

On terminals, the run is defined to do a load/store at the given position. This means run(a + b * sqrt(c) / pow(d, e), i) calls plus(a[i], multiplies(b[i], divides(sqrt(c[i]), pow(d[i], e[i]))))

Each function like plus, multiplies, sqrt, pow, etc. is overloaded so that if any of the arguments is an expression, it does a make_expr. If the values are scalars, it does the expected operations on scalars. If they're SIMD vectors, it does the expected operations on vectors.

run is also overloaded for a variety of operations that depend on the position itself, such as restructuring, concatenating or repeating data; the position is modified before running the children or different things may be run depending on a condition.

A simple example is the evaluation of cat(a, b) where run(expr, i) is defined as something a bit like i < size(child0(expr)) ? run(child0(expr), i) : run(child1(expr), i-size(child0(expr))

unpack is also used for expression rewriting: before expressions are run, the expression is traversed recursively and reconstructed. Whenever operations that are not combinable are found, those sub-expressions are evaluated and the resulting terminal is inserted in their place in the tree. In NT2 this is done by the schedule function.

Similarly we have a phase that does the same kind of thing to replace certain patterns of combinations by their optimized counterparts (optimize). We'd like to do this at construction time but it's currently not very practical with the way Proto works.

Both optimize and schedule require containing children by value to function correctly.

Transforms are not used much since they're only useful for the most simple operations due to their pseudo-DSL pure functional nature. It's especially problematic when performance sensitive code, which needs to be stateful, is involved. Finally it's also not practical to do anything involving nodes of arbitrary arity with them.

Unfortunately I cannot say transforms are good enough for the kind of thing NT2 does.
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