Hmm, that's a good idea.  They'd still have to be compiled into protoc, but
at least they wouldn't have to be compiled into client code.  The only
problem is that it adds complication, I suppose.
My second point is still an issue.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 8:23 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kenton Varda wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:46 PM, aantono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>    message Person
>>     java_implement_interface = com.domain.Name <http://com.domain.Name>;
>>     required string name;
>>     required int32 age;
>>    }
>> More precisely:
>> message Person {
>>  option java_implement_interface = "com.domain.Name <
>> http://com.domain.Name>";
>>  required string name = 1;
>>  required int32 age = 2;
>> }
> Why not use the new mechanism, putting the java extensions into
> "java_ext.proto":
> import "java_ext";
> message Person {
>  option (java_ext.implement_interface) = "com.domain.Name <
> http://com.domain.Name>";
>  required string name = 1;
>  required int32 age = 2;
> }
>> And the effect of this is simply that when protoc generates the Person
>> class, it declares it as implementing com.domain.Name <
>> http://com.domain.Name>.
>> This is a very simple change, so I may be convinced to accept it.  My main
>> concerns are:
>> * Adding another option imposes non-zero overhead even on people who don't
>> use the option, since it increases the code generated for descriptor.proto.
>>  The size of descriptor.proto's generated code is already somewhat of a
>> problem.
> The java_ext.proto code would not be part of descriptor.proto code.
>  Non-java targets could eliminate it.
>> * I'm somewhat uneasy with the idea of generated protobuf code depending
>> on non-generated code (other than standard libraries and libprotobuf).  This
>> goes against the model.  It would not work in our internal build system,
>> which assumes that protobuf code never has such dependencies.  I am worried
>> that making the model more complicated in this way will lead to other
>> problems down the road; e.g. if protocol buffers are integrated better into
>> other build systems, they may also dislike this.
>> I can see where this feature would be useful but I'm not sure if it
>> outweighs these issues.
>> What do other people think?
> I think that having target specific "java_ext.proto", "python_ext.proto",
> and "cpp_ext.proto" that define hints to protoc's code generation would be a
> good idea.  The existing java* options and the "ctype=CORD" options are
> legacy examples that would be in "java_ext.proto" and "cpp_ext.proto" if
> redesigned today.  This way "descriptor.proto" is stable against adding
> target specific extensions.  The code bloat only occurs on the target
> platform, though there is data bloat in the reflection storage on all
> platforms.
> Is there any technical reason it could not go into a separate
> "java_ext.proto" file?

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