Did you call ShutdownProtobufLibrary() before checking for leaks?

As it says, the memory in question is still reachable, so whether or not it
is a "leak" is debatable.  ShutdownProtobufLibrary() will go around and
delete all the objects the library has allocated.  It's a huge waste of time
if you're about to call exit() anyway, but it should make valgrind shut up.
Or maybe you can tell valgrind to ignore reachable memory?

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> We're valgrinding drizzle at the moment and see a lot of:
> #
> ==3378== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 14 of 121
> #
> ==3378==    at 0x4A06D5C: operator new(unsigned long)
> (vg_replace_malloc.c:230)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x5894A8:
> drizzled::message::protobuf_BuildDesc_table_2eproto_AssignGlobalDescriptors(google::protobuf::FileDescriptor
> const*) (table.pb.cc:173)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x4C64F13:
> google::protobuf::DescriptorBuilder::BuildFile(google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto
> const&, void (*)(google::protobuf::FileDescriptor const*))
> (descriptor.cc:2391)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x4C65BBF:
> google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::InternalBuildGeneratedFile(void
> const*, int, void (*)(google::protobuf::FileDescriptor const*))
> (descriptor.cc:1962)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x5883B9: _GLOBAL__I_table.pb.cc (table.pb.cc:580)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x708675: (within /home/brian/merge/drizzled/drizzled)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x411BCA: (within /home/brian/merge/drizzled/drizzled)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x3171402B1F: (within /lib64/libpthread-2.9.so)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x708604: __libc_csu_init (in
> /home/brian/merge/drizzled/drizzled)
> #
> ==3378==    by 0x3170C1E501: (below main) (libc-start.c:179)
> I'm not sure whether they are valid and something I should report to
> you, or whether they are invalid and something I should suppress. Any
> thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Monty
> >

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