Yes, "groups" are never going to fully go away.  But we recommend against
using them in new code.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Piotr Findeisen

> Hi!
> On Jun 24, 8:42 pm, Kenton Varda <> wrote:
> > The end-tag approach is more efficient than your idea -- it's faster (no
> > need to count elements at all) and it takes no more space (no need to
> write
> > a count, which makes up for the extra space taken by the end tag).
> > But in any case, the encoding is not something we can change at this
> point,
> > since protocol buffers is nothing without backwards-compatibility.
> As I read the code of C++ protobuf deserializer I found it supports
> end-tag approach using END_GROUP constant -- or I just misunderstood
> the code and/or this thread?
> From my experiments it looks like I can stream messages one by one
> separating them with END_GROUP tag, but -- again from comments in the
> code -- it's deprecated. If "protocol buffers is nothing without
> backwards-compatibility", can I assume that existing and future
> implementation of C++ and also Java/Python deserializers will support
> this approach?
> best regards,
> Piotr
> >

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