On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 6:59 PM, vikram <patilvik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys,
>       I am actually attempting to compile protocol buffer source on
> AIX 5.3 and xlC 3.55 .
> It seems that I am able to compile it correctly but when it tried to
> use created protoc compiler it fails.
> So following it the snapshot of what happens when I do make. basically
> it can not replace ./$^ with appropriate prerequisites

Yeah, you need to use gmake.

> I created this simplest proto file to check whether it works fine. But
> when I tried tocompile it with create protoc binary ( .libs/lt-
> protoc ) it blocked in infinite loop.

Can you run in a debugger, ctrl+c during the loop, and give me the stack

> But with "option" uncommented it creates coredump
> ./src/.libs/lt-protoc src/google/protobuf/test.proto -I. --cpp_out=.
> Assertion failed: f == NULL || dynamic_cast<To>(f) != NULL, file  ./
> google/protobuf/stubs/common.h, line 282
> IOT/Abort trap (core dumped)

You are using v2.1.0, right?

Does your compiler support RTTI?

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